Results for 'Olav Jacobus Leonardus Albers'

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  1. Het natuurrecht volgens de wijsbegeerte der wetsidee: een kritische beschouwing.Olav Jacobus Leonardus Albers - 1955 - Nijmegen: Janssen.
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    (1 other version)Sense and sensitivity: The roles of organisation and stakeholders in managing corporate social responsibility.Alberic Pater & Karlijn van Lierop - 2006 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 15 (4):339–351.
    While companies are increasingly convinced of the relevance of CSR, many are still struggling to define their responsibility. Part of the answer to this question can be found in the dual approach towards CSR. The authors unravel the concept of CSR into two components: responsibility and responsiveness. Regarding the firm's responsiveness towards society, companies can adopt two positions. They might adopt an inside‐out approach towards CSR and emphasise their own ambitions. Alternatively, they can approach stakeholders from an outside‐in perspective, wherein (...)
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    Justifying the Norms of Inductive Inference.Olav Benjamin Vassend - 2022 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 73 (1):135-160.
    Bayesian inference is limited in scope because it cannot be applied in idealized contexts where none of the hypotheses under consideration is true and because it is committed to always using the likelihood as a measure of evidential favouring, even when that is inappropriate. The purpose of this article is to study inductive inference in a very general setting where finding the truth is not necessarily the goal and where the measure of evidential favouring is not necessarily the likelihood. I (...)
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    Why change your beliefs rather than your desires? Two puzzles.Olav Benjamin Vassend - 2021 - Analysis 81 (2):275-281.
    In standard decision theory, the probability function ought to be updated in light of evidence, but the utility function generally stays fixed. However, there is nothing in the formal theory that prevents one from instead updating the utility function, while keeping the probability function fixed. Moreover, there are good arguments for updating the utilities and not just the probabilities. Hence, the first puzzle is whether there is anything that justifies updating beliefs, but not desires, in light of evidence. The paper (...)
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    Ludwig Feuerbach.Jacobus Theodorus Bakker - 1972 - Kampen,: Kok. Edited by Herman Johan Heering & G. Theodoor Rothuizen.
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    COMECON and EEC : A Comparative Analysis.Olav Lorents Bergthun & Terkel Troels Nielsen - 1968 - Res Publica 10 (3):407-432.
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  7. Natuurrecht en positief recht.Leonardus Petrus Alphonsus Maria van Cranenburgh - 1902 - Amsterdam,: Stoomdrukkerij H. J. Koersen.
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  8. Bibliography of the philosophical writings of Georg Henrik von Wright, 1938-1966.Olav Flo - 1966 - [Helsingfors]: Forf..
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    The Uncollected Chesterton.Alberic Gerard - 1982 - The Chesterton Review 8 (1):88-89.
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    Psychoanalysis and the Scene of Reading.Mary Jacobus - 1999 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Psychoanalysis and the Scene of Reading explores some of the ways in which we think about reading and the effects reading has on us. Whether considered as a process, a representation, or a cultural activity, reading involves the idea about inner and outer, absence and boundaries, and the transmission of thoughts and feelings between one person or historical period and another. These ideas provide the basis for much of our thinking about subjectivity and receive their fullest elaboration in the twentieth-century (...)
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  11. Galwenee wirseeni etikâ.Vilis Olavs - 1918 - Rigâ,: W. Olawa fonda izdewums.
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    Myths of the Self: Narrative Identity and Postmodern Metaphysics.Olav Bryant Smith - 2004 - Lexington Books.
    Myths of the Self is a departure from the standard fare of postmodern thought. In a unique and brilliant turn, Smith argues that the best way of dealing with the topic of the self is a synthesis of a narrative theory of identity, using Ricoeur as a source, along with the constructive "postmodern" metaphysics of Alfred North Whitehead. The resulting synthesis is a new and potentially invigorating spin on the genesis of postmodern thought.
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  13. Imaginary currencies : contemporary art on the market : critique confirmation, or play.Olav Velthuis - 2009 - In Jack Amariglio, Joseph W. Childers & Stephen Cullenberg, Sublime economy: on the intersection of art and economics. New York: Routledge.
  14.  35
    A Formalism Supplementing Cognitive Semantics Based on a New Approach to Mereology.Olav K. Wiegand - 2006 - In Ingvar Johansson, Bertin Klein & Thomas Roth-Berghofer, WSPI 2006: Contributions to the Third International Workshop on Philosophy and Informatics.
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    Confirmation Measures and Sensitivity.Olav B. Vassend - 2015 - Philosophy of Science 82 (5):892-904.
    Stanley Stevens draws a useful distinction among ordinal scales, interval scales, and ratio scales. Most recent discussions of confirmation measures have proceeded on the ordinal level of analysis. In this article, I give a more quantitative analysis. In particular, I show that the requirement that our desired confirmation measure be at least an interval measure naturally yields necessary conditions that jointly entail the log-likelihood measure. Thus, I conclude that the log-likelihood measure is the only good candidate interval measure.
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    Nucleus disputationis de plagio literario maxime theoreticus, thesibus paucis & brevibus comprehensus.Jacobus Thomasius - 2021 - Sententiae 40 (1):89-103.
    The first Ukrainian translation of J. Thomasius’ work “Nucleus disputationis de plagio literario maxime theoreticus, thesibus paucis & brevibus comprehensus”.
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  17. and aesthetics 109 and phenomenology 235-6, 240-63 post-analytic xii see also logical positivism Anaximander 253.René Marill Albéres, Félix Alcan & Ferdinand Alquié - 2010 - In Alan D. Schrift, The History of Continental Philosophy. London: Routledge. pp. 305.
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    Continuities and Changes in the Idea of the Welfare State.Jens Alber - 1988 - Politics and Society 16 (4):451-468.
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  19. Creatures of Imagination and Belief.Olav Asheim - 1996 - Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic 1 (1):61-78.
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    Arne Naess: Selected list of his philosophical writings in the English and German languages. 1936–1970.Olav Flo - 1971 - Synthese 23 (2-3):348-352.
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    Geschichte und Gerechtigkeit: Grundzüge einer Philosophie der Mitte im Frühwerk Nietzsches.Jacobus A. L. J. J. Geijsen & Jacobus J. Ludwig J. J. Geijsen - 1997 - New York: Walter de Gruyter.
    Friedrich Nietzsche has emerged as one of the most important and influential modern philosophers. For several decades, the book series Monographien und Texte zur Nietzsche-Forschung (MTNF) has set the agenda in a rapidly growing and changing field of Nietzsche scholarship. The scope of the series is interdisciplinary and international in orientation reflects the entire spectrum of research on Nietzsche, from philosophy to literary studies and political theory. The series publishes monographs and edited volumes that undergo a strict peer-review process. The (...)
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  22. A Kripkean objection to Kripke's argument against identity-theories.Olav Gjelsvik - 1987 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 30 (4):435 – 450.
    This paper analyses and criticizes S. Kripke's celebrated argument against materialist identity?theories. While criticisms of Kripke in the literature attack one or more of his premisses, an attempt is made here to show that Kripke's conclusion is unjustified even if his premisses are accepted. Kripke's premisses have sufficient independent plausibility to make this strategy interesting. Having stated Kripke's argument, it is pointed out that Kripke must assume that the contents of the Cartesian intuitions are clear and of a kind suited (...)
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  23. Dretske on knowledge and content.Olav Gjelsvik - 1991 - Synthese 86 (March):425-41.
    In this paper I discuss Fred Dretske's account of knowledge critically, and try to bring out how his account of informational content leads to cases of extreme epistemic good luck in his treatment of knowledge. My main interest, however, is to establish that the cases of epistemic luck arise because Dretske's account of knowledge in a fundamental way fails to take into account the role our actual recognitional capacities and powers of discrimination play in perceptually based knowledge. This result is, (...)
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  24. IACOBI GRANADI GADITANI E SOCIETATE IESV In Collegio Sancti Hermenegildi Hispali Theologiae Professoris COMMENTARII IN SVMMAM THEOLOGIAE SANCTI THOMAE: Nunquam antea editi cum Indicibus locupletissimis.Jacobus Granadus, Sébastien Cramoisy & Thomas - 1624 - Sumptibus Sebast. Cramoisy, ..
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    Farsdrapet: Platons Parmenides – og den norske Parmenides-resepsjonen.Olav Gundersen - 2007 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 42 (1-2):24-35.
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    Preface.Mary Jacobus - 1998 - Diacritics 28 (4):3-4.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:PrefaceMary Jacobus (bio)Trauma theory, considered as a branch of psychoanalysis, focuses on the lasting effects on the psyche of events that—whether because of their devastating nature or because the psyche is unprepared or too immature to deal with them—cannot be integrated into the onward movement of patient’s lives. The trauma can never be undone; but perhaps the patient may be helped to live with, even mourn, its aftereffects. (...)
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    The Pain in the Patient's Knee.Mary Jacobus - 1998 - Diacritics 28 (4):99-110.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Pain in the Patient’s KneeMary Jacobus* (bio)We know very little about pain either.—Sigmund Freud, Inhibitions, Symptoms, and AnxietyPain cannot be absent from the personality.—Wilfred Bion, The Elements of Psycho-AnalysisBetween Therapy and HermeneuticsWhat is the place of a psychoanalysis that exists “between” therapy (considered both as a theory and a practice, but also as a theory of practice) and hermeneutics, or the theory of interpretation and understanding? How (...)
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    Die Irrglaube in Kolosse: Aanbidding van of met engele in Kolossense 2:18?Jacobus Kok - 2010 - HTS Theological Studies 66 (1).
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    On knowing God: interdisciplinary theological perspectives.Jacobus Kok, Martin Webber & Jeremy Otten (eds.) - 2022 - Piscataway, NJ, USA: Gorgias Press LLC.
    This book explores the concept of Knowing God and the Knowability of God from an interdisciplinary theological perspective. Approaching the issue from the perspectives of their respective theological disciplines, contributors reflect on what it means to know God, how people of faith have sought to know God in the past, and indeed whether, and to what extent, such knowledge is even possible.
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    Van Plotinus tot Teilhard de Chardin.Jacobus Stefanus Oosthuizen - 1974 - Amsterdam,: Rodopi.
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  31. Problem-solving in general practice.Jacobus Ridderikhoff - 1993 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 14 (4).
    Objective: To identify problem solving strategies in general practice. Basic procedures: Three styles of scientific reasoning were defined and modelled on the medical environment. These models were tested in a simulated doctor-patient encounter.
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    Bayesian Statistical Inference and Approximate Truth.Olav B. Vassend - unknown
    Scientists and Bayesian statisticians often study hypotheses that they know to be false. This creates an interpretive problem because the Bayesian probability of a hypothesis is supposed to represent the probability that the hypothesis is true. I investigate whether Bayesianism can accommodate the idea that false hypotheses are sometimes approximately true or that some hypotheses or models can be closer to the truth than others. I argue that the idea that some hypotheses are approximately true in an absolute sense is (...)
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    ‘Gott mit uns’: Reflections on some partisan theologies.Jacobus M. Vorster - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (1):9.
    The idea that God sides with particular groups as they try to achieve their political goals by way of violence has emerged and re-emerged throughout the history of the Christian Church. This article examines some of these occasions where partisan theologies led to inhuman actions justified by a self-identified divine cause. The purpose is to explain how the motto, ‘God with us’ ( Gott mit uns ), was used to justify inhuman actions and selfish goals and that Christians should be (...)
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  34. Indexicals: what they are essential for.Olav Gjelsvik - 2017 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 60 (3):295-314.
    Cappelen and Dever have recently defended the view that indexicals are not essential: They do not signify anything philosophically deep and we do not need indexicals for any important philosophical work. This paper contests their view from the point of view of an account of intentional agency. It argues that we need indexicals essentially when accounting for what it is do something intentionally and, as a consequence, intentional action, and defends a view of intentional action as a possible conclusion of (...)
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    Body/politics: Women and the Discourses of Science.Mary Jacobus, Evelyn Fox Keller & Sally Shuttleworth - 1990 - Psychology Press.
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    Loke on the Infinite God Objection.Jacobus Erasmus - 2018 - Sophia 57 (1):151-156.
    In a recent article, Andrew Ter Ern Loke raises several objections to Jacobus Erasmus and Anné Hendrik Verhoef’s exposition and response to the so-called ‘Infinite God Objection’ to the kalām cosmological argument. According to this objection, the argument against the possibility of an actual infinite brings into question the view that God’s knowledge is infinite. Erasmus and Verhoef’s solution to this objection, which Loke criticises, depends on an unusual account of omniscience. In this article, I respond to Loke and (...)
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    The ways of Aristotle: Aristotelian phrónêsis, Aristotelian philosophy of dialogue, and action research.Olav Eikeland - 2008 - Bern: Peter Lang.
    This book is a meticulous study of Aristotle's phronesis and its applications to the fields of personal development or character formation and of ethical ...
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    Claiming knowledge: strategies of epistemology from theosophy to the New Age.Olav Hammer - 2001 - Boston: Brill.
    This volume deals with the transformation of unchurched religious creativity in the late modern West.
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  39. The Kalām Cosmological Argument: A Reassessment.Jacobus Erasmus - 2018 - Cham: Springer.
    This book offers a discussion of the kalām cosmological argument, and presents a defence of a version of that argument after critically evaluating three of the most important versions of the argument. It argues that, since the versions of the kalām cosmological argument defended by Philoponus (c. 490–c. 570), al-Ghazālī (1058– 1111), and the contemporary philosopher, William Lane Craig, all deny the possibility of the existence of an actual infinite, these arguments are incompatible with Platonism and the view that God (...)
  40. Radikal tolkning. En refleksjon over Davidson og en skisse av et alternativ.Olav Gjelsvik - 2004 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 39 (1-2):47-60.
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  41. Why It Is Difficult To Defend the Plantinga‐Type Ontological Argument.Jacobus Erasmus - 2022 - Heythrop Journal 63 (2):196-209.
    The Heythrop Journal, Volume 63, Issue 2, Page 196-209, March 2022.
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    New Semantics for Bayesian Inference: The Interpretive Problem and Its Solutions.Olav Benjamin Vassend - 2019 - Philosophy of Science 86 (4):696-718.
    Scientists often study hypotheses that they know to be false. This creates an interpretive problem for Bayesians because the probability assigned to a hypothesis is typically interpreted as the probability that the hypothesis is true. I argue that solving the interpretive problem requires coming up with a new semantics for Bayesian inference. I present and contrast two new semantic frameworks, and I argue that both of them support the claim that there is pervasive pragmatic encroachment on whether a given Bayesian (...)
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    ¿Podríamos hablar de una odontología narrativa?Jorge Godoy Olave, Catalina Guerra Parker, Pablo Fuentes Díaz & Pamela Jofré Pávez - 2024 - Persona y Bioética 28 (1):e2814.
    Aunque el modelo de atención en salud ha evolucionado, aún suele desplazar la importancia de incluir la narrativa del paciente e intenta uniformar las necesidades de las personas enfermas. La medicina narrativa nos da la capacidad de interpretar y comunicar los relatos de nuestros pacientes, a través de la escucha activa, así como de valorar la complejidad del ser humano, a diferencia de la salud basada en la evidencia, donde las experiencias de un individuo son extrapolables a otros pacientes sin (...)
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    Human rights and human nature.Marion Albers (ed.) - 2014 - New York: Springer.
    This book explores both the possibilities and limits of arguments from human nature in the context of human rights. Can the concept of human nature provide a basis for understanding fundamental rights? Is it plausible to justify the claim to universal validity of human rights by reference to human nature? Or does the idea of human rights in its modern, post-1945 manifestation go, in essence, beyond human nature? The essays in this volume introduce naturalistic positions and their concomitant critiques. They (...)
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  45. Les droits fondamentaux et les droits de l'homme dans l'Union européenne.Siegbert Alber - 2008 - Synthesis Philosophica 23 (2):317-332.
    L’auteur part de la distinction générale entre les droits de l’homme, les droits fondamentaux et les droits civiques. Etant donné que cette séparation terminologique n’est pas appliquée dans les traités européens, il note qu’une différenciation stricte entre les droits de l’homme, les droits fondamentaux et les droits civiques n’est pas indispensable, ni cohérente. C’est pourquoi il se tourne vers les valeurs communes en analysant et en évaluant la normalisation législative des droits de l’homme dans l’Union européenne : le Traité sur (...)
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    Det: Jeg tenker, må kunne ledsage alle mine forestillinger.Olav Asheim - 2001 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 19 (2-3):329-337.
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    Kva er omgrepet hest om det ikkje er eit omgrep?Olav Asheim - 2013 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 48 (3-4):192-204.
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    Tid, rom og virkelighet.Olav Asheim - 2008 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 26 (1-2):360-365.
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  49. Ethiek en wetenschappen.Jacobus Gerardus Bomhoff (ed.) - 1971 - Leiden,: Sijthoff.
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  50. Perfect and worthy of worship.Jacobus Erasmus - 2022 - In Mark A. Lamport, The Rowman & Littlefield Handbook of Philosophy and Religion. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
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